Freedom From Torture Mosaic
Do visit the Freedom From Torture Mosaic at the back of the Ecology Centre. The mosaic was created in 2012 by survivors of torture seeking refuge in the UK. They said:
“We are supported by local charity Freedom from Torture and attend the Natural Growth Project, a psychotherapy group that works outdoors in nature. It is here that we feel calm and peaceful and are reminded of good times in our own countries.
The starting point of the mosaic was clay from the earth and the design emerged from the theme of roots. We made images relating to our cultural roots, homeland experiences and often painful journeys to escape torture.
By placing it here in the park, we hope to raise awareness of torture and the struggles we survivors face. We would also like it to contribute to your enjoyment of the park.
The people who made this mosaic come from the Cameroon, Chechnya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Turkey & Uganda.
The project was generously funded by Ecominds, part of the Big Lottery Fund, and installed in Gillespie Park in partnership with Islington Council. The psychotherapists co-ordinating this project were Mary Raphaely and Caroline Roemmele. To find out more about the work of Freedom from Torture visit